Top 5 Health Screenings Everyone Should Get (and When)

Young male psysician with patient measuring blood pressure

All age groups should have regular, comprehensive physical tests and preventative health screenings. The data from your checkups can assist in identifying a condition before it poses a threat to your health. Annual health screenings help detect lifestyle diseases. Timely intervention and treatment can be done if diseases are detected early before they become serious. Furthermore, it aids in lowering treatment-related problems and expenses.


Here are some of the recommended health screenings that an individual should perform in order to ensure overall well-being:

Preventative Health Screenings

Blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol check-up

Depending on the age and health risk factors assessed by a physician, you may be advised to undergo regular blood tests. Individuals may also be advised with regular blood pressure checks to ensure it is within prescribed limits.Your physician may recommend blood tests to diagnose and monitor health conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol. According to the 2021 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines, cholesterol screening should be repeated every 5 years for men and women aged 40-75 years. Blood sugar testing is advised beginning at the age of 40 for everyone. Need to schedule preventative health screenings? Contact us at the Aboud Health Group Walk-in Clinic today.
Colorectal cancer screening
These are the tests that look for blood or polyps (growth of tissue) in the colon or rectum to detect cancer. The Canadian Task Force on Preventative Health Care recommends that if you are over 50 years of age, you should have an FOBT every one or two years. This test determines the symptoms of colorectal cancer (CRC). Your physician may recommend, based on your family history and any medical history, a FOBT test every year or two, with follow-ups on positive tests by colonoscopy. All physicians understand the importance of early detection, which is why regular cancer screening is crucial.
Cervical cancer testing
According to the Canadian Task Force on Preventative Health Care, women should begin screening for cervical cancer after the age of 20 and should retest every three years. These recommendations are for testing asymptomatic women who are or have been sexually active. They do not apply to women with symptoms of cervical cancer, previous abnormal screening results, those who do not have a cervix (due to hysterectomy), or who are immunosuppressed.
Prostate-specific antigen
Blood tests help determine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in the body. Anything that causes an individual’s immune system to react is known as an antigen. Prostate cancer can cause an increase in the levels of the antigen unique to the prostate. It’s crucial to realize, though, that certain benign prostate disorders, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate, can also cause an increase in PSA. It is not advised that all men take the PSA test, and there is a great deal of disagreement on its purpose.

Know the importance of early detection from experts at Aboud Health Group. Contact us here.

Bone density testing
Your bones deteriorate and thin with age. This can eventually result in osteoporosis, a disorder that can weaken and break your bones easily. You should get a bone density test if you’re above 65 years of age. For more information on specific recommendations for bone density tests, you can follow this link.
There are options for treatment if your physician determines that your bones are deteriorating. It is important to identify the causes at an early age so that you can take appropriate measures to maintain bone density and strength.

Closing Thoughts

Regular health checkups are like routine car maintenance – they help prevent minor issues from becoming major problems, keep your body running smoothly, and ensure you’re always in top gear!


For a longer, happier, and healthier life, routine full-body screenings are necessary. Along with healthier habits for disease prevention, screenings play a major role in keeping you healthy. They provide vital information about your body, empowering you to take charge of your health. Together with your doctor, you can design a treatment plan and make lifestyle modifications with the support of the information provided in your yearly health report.


Based on your medical situation, speak with your healthcare provider about different screening tests. At different ages, an individual might need different health tests. Learn smore about recommended health screenings by age at the Aboud Health Group Walk-in Clinic.