STI & STD Screening and Treatment

Uninsured Services

There are several services that are not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). The OMA provides guidance to physicians on the recommended fees to charge patients for these services. The fees for uninsured services that we provide are outlined below and are subject to change:
  • Driver’s Physical
  • School, Daycare or Camp Physical
  • Pre-employment for Nursing Home/Fitness
  • Sick note
  • Disability Tax Credit
  • Foster Parent application
  • Medical Certificate Employment Ins. Sickness
  • Travel cancellation insurance
  • Life Insurance Death Certificate
  • Med certificate for employment ins. compassionate care


Laboratory services are available at Aboud Health Group for tests ordered by one of the physicians at the clinic.

  • Blood testing
  • Urine testing
  • STD/STI testing service
  • Pregnancy tests
  • First trimester genetic screening
  • Skin, nail biopsies
Laboratory Services