A couple happily satisfied with our healthcare services in Mississauga


Aboud Health Group is a state-of-the-art medical facility providing comprehensive healthcare services to the Mississauga community. Our clinic features modern design, advanced medical technology, and comfortable patient areas to ensure an exceptional healthcare experience.

Medical Equipment & Technology

At AHG, we are committed to using cutting-edge medical equipment and technology to deliver the highest standard of care. Our facility is equipped with the latest tools, and electronic health record systems, enabling our team of professionals to provide the best possible care for our patients.

Patient Areas

Our clinic has been designed with patient comfort in mind, featuring an inviting waiting room, well-equipped exam rooms, and private consultation spaces. We believe that a welcoming environment is essential for delivering patient-centered care and fostering positive healthcare experiences.

On-Site Services:

Laboratory Services

AHG offers convenient on-site laboratory services, allowing for quick and accurate diagnostic testing. Our modern laboratory is staffed by skilled professionals who work closely with our physicians to support comprehensive care.


Our on-site pharmacy provides patients with easy access to prescribed medications and expert advice from our knowledgeable pharmacists. This seamless integration of services ensures efficient and coordinated care for our patients.

Imaging Services

We have partnered with several imaging centers in the vicinity of AHG, enabling us to obtain imaging results quickly and directly. Our physicians can review images through our secure portal, facilitating prompt and informed decision-making regarding patient care.
Imaging Services
Accessibility & Parking

Accessibility & Parking

Aboud Health Group is committed to ensuring our facility is easily accessible for all patients. Our clinic offers wheelchair access and convenient parking options to make visiting AHG as stress-free as possible.